Friday, September 19, 2008

Blast from the Past - Aicha by Khaled

Hooray - it's Friday, and I'm done with work! I'm kicking off my weekend by working on a new mix for my friend Sarah's visit. For whatever reason, I've been in a retro vintage musical mood lately and have been having some "blast from the past" moments (which explains my previous postings of Talk Talk-It's my life, and 311- Amber). 

I dug up this song from my archives. It was a favorite of mine in middle school - I remember, when the chorus would sing "Aicha, Aicha" - some of my friends would substitute my name, "Felicia, Felicia". Anyhow, I thought that was pretty cool back then. This is a beautiful song. I loved it then, and I still love it now. Enjoy.

1 comment:

sarahsouth said...

babester, check your email!! and text me your phone number.
