Wednesday, September 10, 2008

An Apple a Day....

Photos from my day of apple (Honeycrisp, Fuji and MacIntosh) & white peach* picking: 

Today, I continued my annual tradition (year #2) of going apple picking at the Tougas Family Farm immediately after the conclusion of the residency teaching retreat.  I find fruit picking to be a calm, meditative experience.  It is so beautiful and peaceful in the orchards (I go at the end of the day and am usually the only one there). After eating several peaches and apple, I feel healthier and happier.    

"....If these aren't enough reasons to "eat an apple a day," there's more. Eating raw apples gives the gums a healthy massage and cleans the teeth. This popular fruit is said to have properties that are a muscle tonic, diuretic, laxative, antidiarrheal, antirheumatic, and stomachic."

"In Germany, during medieval times a man who ate an apple that was steeped in the perspiration of the woman he loved was very likely to succeed in the relationship."

If you like these apple quotes.. you can read more by clicking here

*Today I had the Best = juiciest, tastiest, sweetest white peach I have ever had. If you have a chance in the next few days and you live in Central MA I highly recommend that you get some for yourself! YUM!

1 comment:

sarahsouth said...