Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wine of the week - San Fabiano Calcinaia 2003 Chianti Classico

I am copying my friend Sarahsouth's "wine cellar" theme from her blog, because 1) she is brilliant, and 2) I think it's a good way to keep track of what we're drinking, and 3) remember what we like and don't like.  

Last night, we opened a bottle of Chianti Classico- San Fabiano Calcinaia 2003. It was nice, dry, slightly peppery, medium bodied, with a nice finish. It was great paired with our grilled steak and grilled vegetable salad. Cheers!


sarahsouth said...

oooh, sarahsouth is blushing.

i went to a tapas bar in chapel hill this week and thought of you, btw

Turbogroove said...

awww i miss you too - i can't wait until we live in cali down the street from one another and i can bring you apple cake in exchange for cupcakes. that would be awesome!