Sunday, August 31, 2008

The search for the perfect lobster roll...

When I think of summer, I think of lobster rolls... I am not eating one now, nor will I... I am *studying. But, I just received a frantic phone call from one of my friends who was wondering where she could get the best lobster roll in New England. So I thought, it's time for another post.

By no means do I consider myself a lobster roll expert. But I do think it is safe to say that I am a food fanatic. While some people may follow the latest scores in golf, or football, I follow trends in food. I'll read review after review in order to find the best of the best in each food category. I consider a good meal a real treat, and always happy when something yummy enters my tummy.

My favorite lobster roll is from Bayside in Westport, MA. It is perfect**, in my opinion. Fresh, juicy lobster overflowing from a hotdog roll (see above, taken April 2007), then you can dip it into butter for extra tastiness. I also hold the opinion that a lobster roll is best enjoyed when you are actually near the ocean. Although I realize the lobsters are probably all bought from the same source whether they are made into lobster rolls inland or on the coast, something about eating seafood by the sea just seems to make it a bit more "fresh".

Many others share my enthusiasm for lobster rolls. See the following links to articles on lobster rolls if you are interested:

Goodluck. I hope you get to enjoy a Lobster Roll before the season ends which is usually Labor Day. (sigh). If you go, please eat one for me since I've got to resume my studying now.

* Now I see why blogging is so popular, it is much more fun to post, then to read about dead old people and their contributions to psychosocial science.
** Homemade lobster rolls are actually quite tasty too. To do this, buy a live lobster, boil it. Chop the cooked meat and toss in butter (my preference) or mayo and any seasonings you feel like and squeeze into a toasted roll. Yum!


sarahsouth said...

YUMMERS!!! so excited about your new project. ok, back to studying :]

indy said...

the best lobster roll i ever had was at stacey's parent's house in MV. But this looks really good too!