Saturday, November 21, 2009

Red Velvet - Los Angeles!

For those of you who haven't heard the news yet - we're moving to LA in July 2010! I am so excited! Not only does this mean no more snow in the winter (unless we choose to go skiing or something!) it also means I'm closer to many more red velvet cupcakes. While I was out in LA interviewing for fellowship in Sept, I tried to do a quick sampling of the local treats. I compared Sprinkles with Susiecakes.

Sprinkles was delicious as usual. It may not be the "BEST" red velvet cake that I've had, but it is always solid and consistent. The baking mix is available at Williams and Sonoma. Susiecakes gets good reviews but I wasn't all that impressed. I can't remember what it was like but I think it was moist and had a buttercream frosting.

Long Overdue RVC update

So, things have been busy and I haven't been posting. But, I haven't stopped eating and trying Red Velvet Cupcakes so I have a few updates for you all! I will first post the BEST RVC in New England - picked for me for my 30th Birthday by my wonderful husband Jason from the North End (what used to be LuLu's bakeshop) in Boston.

The cake was dense and rich with a luscious cream cheese frosting! Divine! It is a toss up between this red velvet and the one from Truckee, CA.